Friday, December 29, 2006

Update on circles in pictures

So, my daughter, who studies photography, said that lots of people think the circles are spiritual, but really they only happen with digital cameras and are dust specks that are close to the lens. It doesn't change the reality that God was present, but there was a lot of dust from the hay. Especially when people were moving around alot, rejoicing in worship.


What an amazing time I had over Christmas! There is a community of Amish people in my area that have experienced the glorious freedom of the Lord and they long to see many others, both Amish and non-Amish, come into that freedom and joy. So they hosted the "Glory Barn" Christmas celebration, a 24/7 time of worship, prayer, food and fellowship that started on Dec. 23 and continued through Dec. 26. It was a powerful, glorious time in the Presence of the Lord! I just had to figure out how to post pictures, so I could show you! The pale circles you see are thought to be evidence of angelic visitors. They only show up in pictures and usually in pictures taken during times of deep worship. All I know is that God was on the move during this time and many people were blessed and He was glorified! Praise His Holy Name!

There really aren't words to describe how amazing it was to worship with Amish and Jews, young and old, rich and poor, hippies and yuppies. I guess the best analogy was heaven - every tribe and tongue and nation. It was like that! And even thought it was cold and there was lots of hay, I felt totally like it was normal for me and where I belonged. Because God was there! Come Lord, do it again!

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

I choose joy

I found this on another blog. I really like how clearly it states something I observe even in Christians. Sometimes it's not cynicism, but fear, or pain or struggle that get chosen to color a life instead of joy. But we can embrace the moments of joy even when the other things don't change, and the joy can make the rest seem smaller and actually become bearable. Then joy becomes the color.

Cynicism or Joy
Henri J. M. Nouwen

“For me it is amazing to experience daily the radical difference between cynicism and joy. Cynics seek darkness wherever they go. They point always to approaching dangers, impure motives, and hidden schemes. They call trust naive, care romantic, and forgiveness sentimental. They sneer at enthusiasm, ridicule spiritual fervor, and despise charismatic behavior. They consider themselves realists who see reality for what it truly is and who are not deceived by “escapist emotions.” But in belittling God’s joy, their darkness only calls forth more darkness.

People who have come to know the joy of God do not deny the darkness, but they choose not to live in it. They claim that the light that shines in the darkness can be trusted more than the darkness itself and that a little bit of light can dispel a lot of darkness. They point each other to flashes of light here and there, and remind each other that they reveal the hidden but real presence of God. They discover that there are people who heal each other’s wounds, forgive each other’s offenses, share their possessions, foster the spirit of community, celebrate the gifts they have received, and live in constant anticipation of the full manifestation of God’s glory.

Every moment of each day I have the chance to choose between cynicism and joy. Every thought I have can be cynical or joyful. Every word I speak can be cynical or joyful. Every action can be cynical or joyful. Increasingly I am aware of all these possible choices, and increasingly I discover that every choice for joy in turn reveals more joy and offers more reason to make life a true celebration.”

Source: Return of the Prodigal Son

Monday, December 18, 2006

Welcome to my blog

So, last week I got inspired to start a blog. The inspiration was the "fire" story that you'll find if you scroll down. I'm totally new to this, just started reading other people's blogs, so I guess I'll stumble around a bit with it. For instance, I don't know how to add just a link, that's why you'll see articles added in their entirety instead of just being linked. I also don't know how to add pictures or anything else, though that might be fun. I called myself "glorydancer" because that is part of what I do, letting the Lord's glory show through me as I dance. So, I hope this is a good thing, to reach out into cyberspace with musings on the work of God in my life. I'm going to play with it for a while...

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Glory Ball of Fire

Another prophetic word about fire. This one is from the Elijah List ( Do you think God is telling me something...?


"I have come to cast fire upon the earth; and how I wish it were already kindled!"
Luke 12:49

The Intensity of His Presence

I was meditating on the Lord when suddenly, He opened up the spirit realm to me, and I saw Him in His glory. He was surround with white fire, and it looked like a ball of glory surrounding Him. The glory was a strong force of power that pulsated as it emanated from Him. He was magnificent, yet He made Himself approachable to me.

"How can the created being even be compared in glory or strength to its Creator?"

I saw in His being such strength of power and authority, and if not for His presence helping me, I would have been terrified of Him. He was more incredible than anything I can describe to you. He was not revealing Himself as a Lamb, but as a Lion. Still, to describe Him as a lion, does not really describe the intensity of His presence.

I knew that nothing on this earth would compare to His glory. And as I beheld Him, all the things that seemed to matter to me on this earth, suddenly did not matter at all. All the hurt, pain, and struggle seemed irrelevant as I stood before Him.

The situations that brought me such worry or heartache seemed disarmed by His awesome power. They were no match for God! Indeed, there was no one on this earth who could stand against Him nor anyone He chose to defend. How can the created being even be compared in glory or strength to its Creator? It simply cannot.

God, in His mercy, makes Himself more approachable to us by often showing Himself to us as a Lamb or a Father. But in His true essence, He is every bit GOD Almighty, and nothing can or ever will compare to Him.

What I felt the most in Him was the absolute authority He had. He was holy and righteous, and His word was final. When He made a judgment, it was true and just. And when He chose to defend someone, His defense was fearsome.

A Great Crowd of People

"You cannot bring your stuff in here."

As I observed Him in His glory, I saw that much of what surrounded Him was not just power, but people. He was surrounded by a great crowd of people that were a part of His glory--they were a part of Him. This crowd had all been consumed by His glory, and they were as much a part of Him and His Glory as He was because they were made one with Him.

The Lord spoke to me as I stood before Him and said, "Would you like to be a part of My glory? Would you like to come into My glory and be with Me?" Of course, I naturally said, "Yes!" He then said, "You cannot bring your stuff in here."

"What stuff?" I replied. And then I saw that I carried a large suitcase behind me. I had been dragging it around with me without even realizing it.

"You've got to let go of your stuff. You cannot bring it in here with you. You must let it go," He said.

The Fire Ball of His Presence

"He imparted the essence of Himself to us."

Without even having to contemplate my decision, I let go of the suitcase filled with the encumbrances of the flesh, and I stepped into the "Ball of Fire." Instantly, I saw myself changed in His presence, so much, that it appeared I was not even the same person I used to be.

I saw the dirty rags that I was clothed in, become gleaming garments of glorious white which emanated a great light. As I stood before Him, I felt overwhelmed, and I fell down at His feet. He was so Holy, and I felt so insignificant before Him. I could not even look at Him--I was undone.

I felt Him reach out to me and lift my face to meet His gaze. He said, "You are My friend." Those words were all I needed to restore me. They lifted the condemnation of my flesh from me, and I could stand before Him again.

I stood before Him for some time, and as I did, He imparted His power and authority into me. There were many others; a whole company of believers who stood as one before Him, while absorbing the same power that was radiating from Him. It wasn't just power from Him, but it was His nature and every bit who He was; indeed, it was Him. He imparted the essence of Himself to us.

The Nameless, Faceless Army

As we were consumed by Him, we became one with ONE HEART and ONE MIND. In the same instance, we arose before Him and turned without Him speaking a word to us. We just went--out into the world--all over the world. We went as a nameless, faceless army; completely surrendered to Him. Nothing of who we were remained. We were nothing and yet, we were everything that He was.

The idea of the thinking "for" ourselves or of thinking "of" ourselves did not enter our minds, for we were completely given over to the Kingdom of God--to HIS glory and HIS purpose.

As He directed us by His spirit, we were sent. I saw thousands from this army go out and lay their hands on others who were hungry for His glory. And as it was given to others, they were filled with Him and possessed by His glory. His glory spread quickly and rapidly filling the earth.

A Hardening of Hearts

For some, it was a melting and surrendering of their will to His, but for others, it was a hardening of their hearts against the Lord. Those who hardened their hearts would not accept His Lordship, and they would not lay down the encumbrances of their flesh in order to truly enter His glory. Their selfishness and pride was robbing them from the abundant life in Him; they wanted God, but on their own terms.

Those with hardened hearts had built kingdoms of their own glory, and they refused to give them up. They rejected the mercy that made all men equal. They scrambled to save their lives by condemning others, and living for themselves, they lost their lives.

Mark 8:35 says, "He who gives his life away will find it." Luke 20:17-18 says, "Jesus looked at them and said, 'What then is this that is written: The Stone which the builders rejected, this became the Chief Corner Stone? Everyone who falls on that Stone will be broken to pieces; but on whomever It falls, It will scatter him like dust.'"

Letting Go

"The Lord is indeed ready to bring a 'great fire' to this earth."

Dear saints, we have got to let go of the "stuff" that keeps us from experiencing the glory of God. All fear, unforgiveness, pain, ambition, expectations, plans, dreams, revenge, false mindsets, pride, anger, jealousy, perversion, selfishness, and all lusts of the flesh must be left behind. We have to let it go. It is not worth holding on to, for it is robbing us from the fulfillment of our abundant life that He came to give us.

God has so much of Himself that He longs to give us. True peace, inexpressible joy, and lasting love are all ours. What are we giving up? Nothing. Nothing but the seeds sown into our lives by the enemy.

Behold, the Lord is indeed ready to bring a "great fire" to this earth, and for some, it will bring great wrath and despair. Yet, for others, it will bring untold joy.

It is only those who bow low before Him who will experience the richness of His glory...His true LIFE!


Victoria Boyson
Speaking Life Ministries

Fire Retardant

This is a prophetic word from Lynn Hayden, a dancer for the Lord. I've been saving it and just realized that it speaks to my previous post.

Fire Retardant

Pastor Lynn
Nov 29, 2006

Where is your faith? Even as a grain of mustard seed, where has it gone? It is My desire that you trust in Me and not in the flesh. As many cloak unbelief in the mask of religion and platitudes of created religious sayings, I say put aside those masks and lay it all down for faith and trust in Me. Many have put on this mask for protection like a fire retardant suit from My loving correction, but I say. Let me bu rn off the suit. Let me burn off the mask. Come closer, into the fire of My love. For as the works of the flesh and the retardant suit are burned off, there will emerge a pure vessel, holy and consecrated to do My work on earth.

Yes, it is by My grace that I allow you to dance, play and sing, preach and minister even with the fire suit on your back. I say let me burn off the suit and burn off the mask so you may be free in Me. You think that it is a protection, but do not be afraid of my fire, as through the burning and my burning desire for you, you will be free and your freedom will cut you loose from the law of sin and death. Lay down your entire prideful paradigm and allow the fire to burn off your dross-your fire retardant. You will be clean and pure. Once this suit and mask is removed, your dancing, singing or playing, preaching and ministry will flourish and be a plentiful bounty for My kingdom. I long to hold you and speak to you. Do not be afraid of what I long to say to you. I do not come to condemn, but to set you free. Let me burn off the mask. Let me burn off the fire retardant suit.

Do you see how things all around you are beginning to fall apart like springs popping up from an old time bed mattress? This is because you have taken your eyes off my fire and placed your trust in your own strength and ability. Lay down all your own giftings. Lay down all your own pride of accomplishments. Lay down all your own ingenuity. Lay down all your own personal desires. Look to me. Come into My fire of Love and I will direct and guide your every step. How many steps do you take on your own? How many decisions do you make without Me? I desire to help you in even the tiniest decisions. What seems insignificant to you is monumental to me because if you lay down your own decision making and give it to me, this means that you are willing to be obedient. Every act of strict obedience is rewarded with a closer walk in the spirit. The more you walk close to my fire and in My spirit, the less you will walk in the flesh. Therefore you will own My peace and you will know My joy. This is greater than any human accomplishment or worldly acquisition. Come closer, my child. Let me burn off your fire retardant.

Pastor Lynn

Wednesday, December 13, 2006


I rearranged two rooms in my house so that I could sit by the fire this winter. I bought wood by the bundle from a convienence store so that I could sit by the fire. I finally broke down and ordered a half cord of wood, dumped in my driveway and moved and neatly stacked by two teenage boys so I could sit by the fire. There's only one problem - the wood barely burns. I can't just sit by the fire without hours of tending to it. It turns out that the wood is red oak, excellent for generating heat, notorious for resisting ignition. And guess what? I think God showed me something in all this. Because after trying everything I could to get the fire to catch, I stuck in a log from my last bundle from the convienence store. That wood ignites easily and burns fast. The other logs were no longer burning at all, just some embers. I put the new log in and blew and blew and blew on the embers. There was some smoke and that's all. Finally the Spirit whispered to me, "Where there is smoke, there is fire" and somehow I knew I was supposed to stop all my efforts and just wait and see what would happen to the fire. So I did. Shortly after that, the new log burst into flame and the hard, red oak logs also caught on fire. And I learned a spiritual lesson. It's about who I am and what the Lord has called me to do. See, the hard logs were prepared by all that I had done to try and get the fire started, but it was the presence of the highly flammable log that actually made the fire catch. These days I feel like a highly flammable log. I am captured by the fire of God all the time. So I don't need to do much to get the fire started in those around me, just catch on fire myself!